Monday, 2 February 2015

Just a start!

Why am I blogging?
Well, even I am not sure. But then I am not sure about a lot of things- for instance what I'd like to eat for breakfast or what should I wear-it took me 20 minutes to choose a title for this page/blog. Like seriously? How do people decide what to do? I can't decide anything!

And, after writing three lines I am pretty sure this blog is going to be a mess. Is this blog even post-able? Not sure of anything!

Sorry, I drifted away. So back to why I started this blog. I couldn't understand why anyone would care what anyone did, thought about, or any such. Well, that was 20 minutes ago when I was choosing a title for this blog. Hypocrite, you must think? Ofcourse, you would.
Honestly, I don't have a cool and happening life, I don't party every Friday or Saturday night, it's just that I wanted a place to clear my head where I can share my thoughts because I have strong opinions on things happening around me. And, maybe, whoever read this blog might get offended with the opinions I have. But, then again, it's my blog. Why would I care? I can share my thoughts as the section 19(2) say, Freedom of speech and expression(just saying).
Also, very important question, how long is the blog post long enough? 200 words?

So as I sit here on a cold winter evening typing this post, I say a little prayer and hope I don't give up on this blog and be active because I'll be honest, I am the laziest person. I take forever to get out of my bed and then bathroom. Also, I love sleeping. Damn! I am such a waste
And, as I am re-reading this blog I realized how boring this blog is but I am not going to delete this and write it again. I am lazy! So, that's it for now hope this post was readable.See you on the next post, Bye!

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