Friday, 8 April 2016

Maybe a comeback!

Hi guys,

So, it's been a long long and long since I have posted anything. So I don't really have an excuse, I'd be honest, I thought I would stop posting because I had college projects and internships going on and I didn't really get time to post something. But I thought now my college is going to be over. Why not start again with a new theme?

No, I am not changing EVERYTHING on my blog. I am not changing name of the blog or I am not going to delete my previous post, it's just a new concept about what I am going to write next.
Firstly, I am going to tell you why I got the idea for a new theme and from where.

Okay, so there are a lot of bloggers who mostly write about food and travel, I mean there a zillions of blogs about it and when I first start writing I decided I am never going to post anything about food or travel. I mean, don't get me wrong some of those food and travel blogs are amazing, but now there are so many that it's kind of frustrating.

Then, I thought why not just write about my opinion or thoughts or about anything in general, which I did. I have my 2-3 posts(from total of 5 posts..:P) about how I feel of certain things but I can't write every posts about what I think of some stuff. I am not that opinionated and it's frustrating for other people also(sometimes..I guess). So, I wrote about why I love some TV shows. Like Friends or HIMYM( mostly sitcom, though). But I thought that's not enough and I couldn't really find something new which I can write about in every week or so and then I got busy with my internship.

But now, I got a new theme(because I am a big time stalker) and I hope you guys like it. There are a lot of thing on the internet and best on the city or countries, and I came up with something related to that which is called TOP 10.

I am going to write about stuff which can be part of TOP 10 in the world or maybe in a county, It can be anything related to and plus you can gain some knowledge from that if you think that way.

So, every week TOP 10. That's the new theme bro. Let's gain some knowledge together(just kidding it will be mostly about weird stuff).

So, I will be back on every week with a new post, just bear with me, kay?

Tuesday, 5 May 2015

Author of the Bro Code

After a pretty long gap of not posting anything I thought let's just write a fun-post. I have already told you guys I am the laziest person on this planet but no..I will not give up on this blog. My post may have long gapes but that's what make a post more valuable, isn't it?

So, today this post is going to be awesome.

Suit up..because this post is going to be LEGEN..wait fot it..DARY!
Yes, you guessed it, right.

Here are some qoutes of the Broda..BARNEY STINSON











Saturday, 21 March 2015

Open letter to the Eve Teaser

The Eve-Teaser,
New Delhi a.k.a 'rape capital'

You think women are only born to do house work and to cook. You think women should not be allowed to wear dresses, jeans or skirts.You think our culture includes women who are not allowed to go outside and roam around.. You think women put sex in your eyes. You think women should be covered from head to toe.You imagine women like a diamond, if someone will keep the diamond on the road the dog will take it. And, if this is our culture then we're sorry that we were born. We are sorry for every girl who is going to be born. We are sorry that we are Women.

We are not diamonds. We are humans who also want to be treated equally, who want to go outside and walk freely on the roads without any fear. Who does not want to be stared or whistled by the opposite sex. Who does not want to be judged with what she is wearing.

I am sure you are wandering as, why this girl writing a letter now, especially since we have been around for the last hundred of years? So, the thing happened last week, when I was hanging out with my friends in Connaught Place. And,having lived in Delhi for 20 years, we are extremely used to being stared at. But that was different, I mean in one of the most crowded place like Connaught Place, someone is staring at you constantly and then starts whistling and no one from those thousands of people gives a shit about that. I wanted to slap them there but then I figured that would be animal abuse.

And , after this experience, where I have encountered one of the member of your clan, I have realized you can assault in public, you can molest us in public transport, take us to the empty place and rape us and still no one will give a shit about this except some of them who will get angry but after few weeks they will eventually forget about this and you will start playing your game again.

I don't know what my parents were thinking! Getting me into a good school. I should have stayed home, learnt to cook, learnt to dress and learnt to always wear a sari and cover my face with a ghoonghat, learnt to agree with whatever the hell you say.

But wait, why should we suffer? If this country is a so called democratic country. Then we are not the one who should suffer. You should suffer. You should be punished, killed brutally. You are the one who should not be allowed to walk on the streets. You are the one who should be suffering. 

We as women want to be treated equally, not to be stared at or teased. 

And if even one guy tease you or stare you, RAISE YOUR VOICE and if no one hears it chop his head off because you 're as equal as men, physically or mentally.

Yours lovingly(NOT)

Wednesday, 11 March 2015

O is for Offensiveness

People in India getting this weird illness these days called offensiveness. Yes, they are getting offended at everything. It's like half of the India is jobless who starts getting offended at everything they hear or see.

This little over about a month ago, people were supporting Charlie Hebdo, everybody had their status updates on Facebook/Twitter, "Je Suis Charlie".
And, France is allowed to say whatever they want. But NO, if you're in India you better watch out, huh. Don't you dare angry Indians. 

I mean,you can't say anything,you can't put a video, you can't tweet without somebody getting offended.It's so crazy! I know, you must be thinking what is she saying? It is such a sensitive topic how can she say that? But c'mon let's be real. Have you ever had a successful status update or ever said anything without the other person getting offended?
Okay, what about the AIB Roast. I liked it. Yes, here, I said it. I loved the Roast. It was amazing. It was funny, and no, not because of the abusive language but seriously it was funny I mean it is a roast. Roast means 'humorously humiliating someone with well-timed joke' What more do you expect? But no, half of this country's population got offended without even knowing what is a roast.
Especially parents and religious people. They got so sick. I felt so bad. I was talking to someone's parents and they were like 'this video is not appropriate, the language is vulgar, it is so cruel what if my young son watches this?'
And, I was like 'he is not supposed too, it's on YouTube not on cartoon network. okay?'
Parents, a little heads up there internet is a terrible baby-sitter. Yes, terrible baby-sitter. I am just sayin'.
Yesterday, I was talking to this man and he said 'with great comedy, comes great responsibility'. And, I am like what are you saying? Calm down, Uncle. With great comedy, comes lol, lmao. That's it. Just watch the show and go home. But he said 'no, what I am trying to say is you need to show some responsible comedy and I was like 'no, what I am trying to say is you need to be a responsible parents'. Instead of giving your six year old an iPad, if you spend some time with him he'll know what he is should be involved in.

And, the religious people, they were crying. 'your jokes hurt my religious sentiments'. And, I am here thinking only thing offensive about religion is you letting something a human being said, affect your faith with god. 
And, who made you god's bouncer? Who gave you this job? I mean if god doesn't like a joke he will let us know, believe me, he will.
People look so ridiculous defending god. They are like ' oh, these comedians making jokes about you, but don't worry god, I am here. I will protect you. God be like yo guys! just chill. Calm down, dude. Calm down. I am god. I don't need you to take a stand for me.

But jokes apart, if you're getting offended you are not doing enough with your life. And yes, I am maybe wrong about this. Maybe the truth is totally opposite of what I said. But this is my opinion.
I think India is like a crowded train. There are so many people here with different cultures,languages and beliefs.and if you are travelling by train in India there's always space for one more guy.Just one more. And right now, comedy is that guy. He's not asking you to like him. He's just saying move a little and give him a seat.

Monday, 2 March 2015

Friends for ever!

The haircuts might be outdated, but the jokes still make us laugh. 20 years old, friends, of course, remains the most beloved TV sitcom of all time.

From Jennifer Aniston to Tracy Reilly every character has done there job amazingly.
Here's a list that proved to be some of TV's most memorable quotes even after 20 years ago.

1. "How you doin'?" - Joey
2. "Pivot!" - Ross

3. "OH MY GOD"- Janice
4. "Smelly cat, smelly cat, what are they feeding you?"- Phoebe
5. "I'm hopeless and awkward and desperate for love!"- Chandler

6. "He's a transponster"- Rachel
7. "I have this uncontrollable need to please people"- Monica

8. "We were on a break"- Ross
9. "Joey doesn't share food"- Joey
10. "I am not great at the advice. Can I interest you in a sarcastic comment?"- Chandler

Monday, 2 February 2015

Just a start!

Why am I blogging?
Well, even I am not sure. But then I am not sure about a lot of things- for instance what I'd like to eat for breakfast or what should I wear-it took me 20 minutes to choose a title for this page/blog. Like seriously? How do people decide what to do? I can't decide anything!

And, after writing three lines I am pretty sure this blog is going to be a mess. Is this blog even post-able? Not sure of anything!

Sorry, I drifted away. So back to why I started this blog. I couldn't understand why anyone would care what anyone did, thought about, or any such. Well, that was 20 minutes ago when I was choosing a title for this blog. Hypocrite, you must think? Ofcourse, you would.
Honestly, I don't have a cool and happening life, I don't party every Friday or Saturday night, it's just that I wanted a place to clear my head where I can share my thoughts because I have strong opinions on things happening around me. And, maybe, whoever read this blog might get offended with the opinions I have. But, then again, it's my blog. Why would I care? I can share my thoughts as the section 19(2) say, Freedom of speech and expression(just saying).
Also, very important question, how long is the blog post long enough? 200 words?

So as I sit here on a cold winter evening typing this post, I say a little prayer and hope I don't give up on this blog and be active because I'll be honest, I am the laziest person. I take forever to get out of my bed and then bathroom. Also, I love sleeping. Damn! I am such a waste
And, as I am re-reading this blog I realized how boring this blog is but I am not going to delete this and write it again. I am lazy! So, that's it for now hope this post was readable.See you on the next post, Bye!